289 Huangpu Street, Jiang 'an District, Wuhan, China
Weight closing device
Usually, the tubular turbine unit is provided with a weight closing device. By utilizing the dead weight of the weight closing device, it can close the guide vane without hydraulic pressure. The weight closing device developed by the Company comprises the cartridge valve, solenoid valve bank, and other standard hydraulic parts. With advanced modularized design and simple structure, it ensures reliable operation.
Once the overspeed protection of hydrogenerator unit is actuated, this device can reliably cut off the control oil flowing from the governor to the servomotor. In addition, by utilizing its dead weight, it can close the guide vane, enable the closing chamber of servomotor to suck the hydraulic oil, thus realizing the fast stop of hydrogenerator unit. It's provided with a manual control valve, which can realize manual intervention under abnormal condition.
Main technical parameters of the unit:
Oil pipe diameter: φ80, φ100, φ150; oil pressure grade: 4.0MPa, 6.3MPa.